Monday, December 30, 2019

William Shakespeare s Much Ado About Nothing And King Lear

Name: Instructors’ Name: Course: Date: Analysis of Shakespeare’s powerful female characters in the play â€Å"Much Ado about Nothing† and â€Å"King Lear Introduction Shakespeare is seen to value the role of women as his plays often portray women as heroines. These women have strong characters that endear them to readers. Readers in our current world, and especially women, are encouraged to be self-assertive in demand for equal treatment in our society. This has been the tradition for women in the Western world and is one that should be spread across all societies in the whole world. The characters that this essay chooses to analyze are Beatrice from the play â€Å"Much Ado about Nothing† and Cordelia from the play King Lear. Beatrice and Cordelia†¦show more content†¦Beatrice is the cousin to Hero and niece to Leonato. She is a strong female who is smart and loyal to her family. We get to see that she has sworn off love in her adult love as she was hurt before and does not want to be vulnerable. However, she approves the love of her cousin Hero (Everett 400). As the play continues, we get to see that her strong stand against love is broken as she starts falling in love with Benedick, who matches her speech and wit, and is also as stubborn as she is. Beatrice has a sharp tongue and is good with words. She knows how to say what she wishes in a sharp and yet merry tone. When one soldier mentions that Benedick’s name when talking about leaving for war, Beatrice quips that he is a poor soldier. She goes on to joke that Benedick attaches himself to people and in this case Claudio by taking him as a brother. When Benedick arrives in Messina, Beatrice engages him in jokes. In Act 1 Beatrice states I wonder that you will still be talking, Signore Benedick; nobody marks you.† (Shakespeare 5). Benedick responds by saying â€Å"What, my dear Disdain, are you yet living?† (Shakespeare 5). Here we see that the two match each other in their manner of speech. The readers are able to notice the perfect match of these two characters. Beatrice is also seen as being loyal to her family. There is a scene at the altar on a wedding day where Hero, the bride, is accusedShow MoreRelatedA Comparison Between the Plots of King Lear and Much Ado about Nothing910 Words   |  4 Pagesstatement to say that William Shakespeare wrote some of the greatest plays of all time. This is accepted by everyone from high schoolers to experts as fact. But everyone is always wondering, what makes them great? Well, at the heart of every great Shakespeare play is a well written plot. But how can one man churn out all these plays he’s written, and still have new content in each one? Aren’t they all the same story to some extent? 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Life Circumstances Affect Every Individual At Some Time Or...

Life circumstances affect every individual at some time or another, and the coping measures are different for each. Self-care models are established in the absence of these occurrences to allow the minds to rationally plot proper realigning routes. To a degree, a counselor has to be their own client and be the expert in their own first-hand crisis. The goal is to empower the client to the point they are strong, stable, and self-assured in their own ability. With the use of evidence based practice social workers will provide effective services for the couples that do decide to take premarital counseling. Mixed method is possibly the best for this type of study. Clients can give insight on the treatment plan they are receptive to. Staff survey may be biased due to lack of interest towards the research. Counseling is an entity, where the client must learn from the individual sessions and then apply them within their actual marriage. Although, emotions are never consistent from per son to person, it is important to increase the mutual vision in the lives of the clients. In conclusion only the client can decide whether the intervention was effective or not, it is important for them to have motives that will fuel the aims and desires they aim to reach. Literature Review Premarital counseling is an educational, therapeutic, or combination program that couples attend prior to being married. The goal of premarital counseling is to increase satisfaction and reduce the risk ofShow MoreRelatedCoping With Extreme Stress And Its Effect On The Stress Of A Person1569 Words   |  7 PagesThere are times where a person who has held a job felt pressure of work-related stress. One of the serious employment-concern, that eats away revenues, lessens efficiency and marks good employees’ hand their notice is workplace stress. There are workplace stress that is moderate, while extreme stress could be a hindrance to employees’ efficiency, commitment and satisfaction in the organization or management. Coping can fundamentally aid in reducing the stress of a person. Coping has two broadly acknowledgedRead MoreSources of Stress Experienced by International Students Living in the United States1736 Words   |  7 PagesAs the world becomes increasingly glob alized and interconnected, there is an imperative need for every student in this generation to be exposed and to be prepared for this rapidly changing world. Globalization sets the platform for a competitive environment, which challenges a country to increase their level of efficiency, promote innovation, and improve its overall standard of living. One of the ways that value-added learning could be incorporated in students’ learning is through the disseminationRead MoreThe Problem Of Mental Illness1683 Words   |  7 Pagessufficiently with others. It is also difficult for them to complete tasks at home. ADHD is known to affect about 10% of school-age children. Although we don’t know why science has proven that boys are approximately three times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls are. Various Brain imaging tests have shown that the brain of those who have ADHD, continues to mature in a normal pattern however it does show some delays in the brain regions used for thinking, paying attention, and planning by approximatelyRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Health And Stress1084 Words   |  5 PagesStress shows its face physically, emotionally, and mentally. Stress can last for a moment or linger around for a life-time. Stress can appear as early as childhood, adolescence, or perhaps not until years after becoming an adult. Stress shows its face in the tiniest fashions or in the boldest statements. It can be big or small, positive or negative, quick or chronic; deadly or life-changing; it all just depends. What does it depend on? It depends ... all humans are different. Stress impactsRead MoreA Correlation Between Stress And Adolescent Suicide1187 Words   |  5 Pagesof adolescent suicide with the cause being undetermined. The purpose of this paper is to d etermine if there is a correlation between stress and adolescent suicide. Stress is a state of mental or emotional tension resulting from demanding circumstance; it can affect an individual’s body and mind, which can eventually lead to a mental breakdown. Literature review and qualitative research was the method use to formulate this paper. Based on the results, it is determined that stress- although significantRead MoreNurses Should Not Service Excellence Without Compromising Their Welfare1404 Words   |  6 PagesEvery health professional has a legal obligation to patients. Nurses as part of the health care team share an important role in the quality and safe delivery of patient care. 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It provides us tools and suggestions that are necessary to get achievement in life. The definition of family, according to me, is a group of people related or unrelated that value, cares, love and support one another in time of crisis. As a child growing up, I have fond memories of growing up with love and compassion by theRead MoreWhy A Person Should Remain Child Free Essay964 Words   |  4 PagesMargret W. Matlin (2008). In this text, Theme 4 contemplates that â€Å"women differ widely from one another† (pg. 30). This variance should cause pause to every women who is deliberating having a child. A woman must determine for herself if she is the type of women who desires to, capable of, and devoted to having a child. This is a life altering decision and should not be participated in nonchalantly. There exist some disadvantages to the sense of giving birth and to raising a child. Subsequently, five urgings

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Blank HELB form Free Essays

In the event that the loaned discontinues studies for whichever reason before full disbursement is made, the Board shall not disburse the remaining allocation and shall recall the loan so far as advanced in full together with the interest thereon. . The Board shall electronically, through the website, send to each loaned annual statement indicating the amount disbursed per each academic year or the outstanding balance as the case may be. We will write a custom essay sample on Blank HELB form or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sums of the amount indicated in the statements shall form the principal loan to be recovered from the loaned. The contents of the statements shall be deemed to be correct unless a written complaint to the contrary is received by the Board within three (3) months from the date of the statement whereupon the Board shall either confirm the complaint or advise as the case may be. A statement may be furnished at NY time on request but at the loaner’s expense. 5. Where it is discovered that the loan was granted due to false information furnished by the loaned, the Board shall withhold release of the amount yet to be disbursed if any, besides subjecting the loaned to prosecution. . The Board shall engage agents (Banks) who shall be responsible for the disbursement of the loans as shall be advised by the Board from time to time. 7. The loaned shall keep the guarantor appraised of the principal loan awarded and in the event that there is a conflict, the amount as held by the Board will prevail. 8. Where there is default by the loaned, the guarantor shall be bound to repay the loan, interest th ereon, penalties, costs and any other charges accruing to the loan. 9. The loan shall be due for repayment one year after completion of the course studied or within such period as the Board may decide to recall 10. The loan shall be repaid by monthly installments or by any other convenient mode of repayment as shall be directed by the Board but subject to the provisions of the Higher Education Loans Board Act. 11. If the loaned defaults in the repayment of the loan when the loan is due, the whole amount shall be due and payable and the Anne shall be bound to pay other charges that may arise as a result of the default including but not limited to the Advocates fees and penalties. 2. The Board shall charge a penalty of Kiss. 5,OHO per month on any account that is in default. 13. Non demand for loan repayment and the accruing charges shall not in any way signify waiver of any amount rightfully due under the terms and conditions of the loan. 14. The applicant hereby consents that the Board shall share information pertaining to the loan account with credit r eference bureaus or any other parties as deemed necessary. 15. The Board shall effect credit protection arrangement of the loan at the expense of the loaned. 16. In the event that the applicant receives additional finance assistance from any other source and the need to refund by the university arises such refund shall be made to the Board and the same shall be utilized towards reducing or offsetting the loan. 17. No loan shall be disbursed unless this agreement form is signed. 18. The signature of the loaned shall certify the reading, understanding and being in agreement with the terms and conditions herein including certification. Loaner’s Signature Authorized Signature(HELL) Date: 14/04/2011 How to cite Blank HELB form, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Alternative Investment Classes and their Role in Investment Portfolios

Question : Describe "Alternative Investment Classes and their Role in Investment Portfolioswith examples, a selection of seven alternative investments which are generally available on capital and other markets, the expected / realized returns and risks of each, and to consider how they are used in constructing and hedging investment portfolios. Answer : Investment Strategies Options Investment is considered as one of the most wonderful method to enhance the wealth of the people around the world. Now the main issue is the selection of the class of investments that the people should invest in that entirely depends on the type of strategies the investors make depending on the quantum of risk they are likely to take. These risks are being diversified as soon as the investors go for alternative investments. These assets are in the class of real assets that are hard and tangible and include various types of other assets as well. There are various alternative classes of assets as listed below for the investors to build their portfolio and in return develop their wealth by balancing the risks and returns of the portfolio. 1. Private Equity- Private Equity is one of the emerging sectors around the world as the players are investing in this sector through the long term investments in the private sectors. This class of investment is an illiquid asset class that offers long term diversification away from the public markets. The only risk that prevails is the low liquidity and restrictions linked with these investments but growth and returns are attractive here.(DeFeo, 2012) 2. Hedge Funds- These are also an investment strategy where the risk is low as the portfolio of investment is being managed by the hedge fund managers. Some of the problems that these funds face are that they are only suitable for high end investors and accompany a lower return due to the lesser degree of risk involved. 3. Managed Futures- These futures are those part of the business that are being managed by the company as an underlying asset base that pulls up the chain for the working of system. The futures are tax inefficient and a bit uncomfortable with people new in the securities market. 4. Currencies- The currencies are also a mode of investment for the investors but it requires in depth analysis of the currency and the most important risk that is faced by the government regulations that is being governed by the economical and political norms along the world. 5.COMMODITIES- These I a source similar than to the other market products but here the buyers have the amount to lot sizes then there are beneficially for them and these commodity melds the people that would lead to higher and maximum profits in the long run., 6. Real Estate- It is one of the areas that is different from security but available in the huge investment projects where are buyer and seller both are caning profits though the arrangement at might rates which expected high return. It takes lot or manage such investments as it is linked with money so had to be undertaken very nicely as there is huge amount of risk with low chances of high profits. Hence the investment classes are helpful in maintaining the wealth of the shareholders and thus help in understanding the concepts of investment strategies in a better way. Bibliography daveramsey. (2013). Want to know how Dave invests his money? Find out here! , 1-1. DeFeo, J. (2012). The Street. The Street , 1-1. Diedrich, S. (2014). 'Alternative' or 'Hedged' Mutual Funds: What Are They, How Do They Work, and Should You Invest? Forbes , 1-3. Dumon, M. (n.d.). What is Private Equity. Investopedia , 1-2. Idzorek, T. (2007). Private Equity and Strategic Asset Allocation. ibbotson , 7-9. Kulkarni, P. (2010). Investment Strategies. The Economic Times , 1-1.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Hollyhock House/The Creative Community

While starting the research, I would like to point out some general information, which is related to the construction in the East Hollywood. Thus, one should take into account that the main architect of the Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House is an interior designer Frank Lloyd Wright.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hollyhock House/The Creative Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Now the building is recognized a National Historic Landmark and considered to be one of the top houses in Los Angeles. Moreover, the Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House was defined to be of special cultural significance according to a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Another issue I want to draw your attention to concerns with the architecture of the construction. Accordingly, an enclosed area of the building reminds us of a theatrical stage. As far as the architect’s residence is considered to be a split-level home, there are many ste ps in this type of construction. In my opinion, the exterior walls of the building reflect a modern architectural movement of the early twenties. Thereby, one may even feel the atmosphere of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures a contemporary movement was based on. The windows of the building remind us of lead came and copper foil glasswork. Hollyhocks are considered to be special ornamental plants, which are used to decorate the building. It seems that they were chosen specially for the landscape design project. Although the original purpose of the building erecting was Olive Hill area expansion, Wright had no opportunity to complete the project, but now nobody will deny the fact that the original aim of the designer is even surpassed: Today, surrounded by a modern theater, galleries and studios, Hollyhock House comes closer than ever before to realizing its original purpose as the centerpiece of a functioning arts complex. Hollyhock House has been named one of the most significant structures of the 20th century by The American Institute of Architects and achieved National Historic Landmark recognition in 1997. The house attracts thousands of visitors annually, who come from around the world to acknowledge its place in the cultural and   architectural history of Los Angeles (1).Advertising Looking for essay on architecture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To my mind, the above-mention citation may even confirm my own thoughts that in fifty years the Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House will be regarded not only as a national heritage, but can be even transformed into the largest historical museum in the world. I suppose that the transformation is possible due to the cultural and historical advance of the construction. If one looks at a list of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments in Hollywood, he/she may point out that there are more than 145 monuments in the city, among which the most important monument is a residence for oil heiress Aline Barnsdall. There are the so-called a-priori concepts I rely on while investigating the paper. What does it mean? I do not use the individual perceptions, on the contrary, I just predicate, using the information I know. In my opinion, Hollyhock House will not be a public place all the time. When California Romantic becomes the largest historical museum in the world, it will be defended from trouble, harm, attack, etc. One may think that if the building is used as a public Art Park and library now, nothing will be changed in fifty years. I don’t agree with the statement for numerous reasons. One should keep in mind that there are many other examples, which are considered to be a striking demonstration of people’s desire to protect the most significant historical landmarks. In other words, when the house becomes the most important historical museum of the USA nobody will be allowed to visit it. Those, who do not agree with my point of view, can argue their opinion using a printed form of National Historic Landmark Nomination and relying on the following: The Aline Barnsdall House stands as a watershed moment in the continuum of Wright’s work and was one of a group of sixteen Wright buildings singled out in 1959 by the American Institute of Architects and the National Trust for Historic Preservation as his most important to the nation†¦which ought to be preserved in their original form (4).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hollyhock House/The Creative Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More What can I say? – Mutantur tempora et nos mutamur in illis†¦ For instance, in the early twenties, it was difficult to imagine that the generation of the 21st century will appreciate the things created long before its appearance. The construction which is considered to be the most important historical landmark in our days wasn†™t regarded as unusual in the early twenties. Thus, there were many other constructions (except the Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House) which reflected Hispanic influences. For instance, George Washington Smith writes: Although several Spanish Revival buildings have been designed and constructed before 1915, it was the Exposition that presented this new style to Californians. The label, Spanish Colonial Revival, is appropriate, for Goodhue developed his buildings’ forms from the Spanish Colonial architecture of Mexico (30). So, there is no wonder that for people who were born in the 20th -21st centuries the Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House is really a beautiful and unusual construction. Another point I would like to discuss concerns with the impact of LA’s ecology on the Hollyhock house configuration. Thus, some scientists suppose that there are social and political processes which cause natural disasters in Los Angeles; they think that such disasters as fire and floodin g are caused by people, and do not depend on climate peculiarities, certain weather conditions, etc. I would like you to become familiar with the opinion of Reyner Banham. According to him, there are four ecologies which must be taken into consideration while erecting a building. Thus, the beach, the freeways, the flatlands, and the foothills are recognized to be the most important ecologies. According to him, most of the monuments of the foothills are just such an earth-form. Moreover, the constructions which were built on the foothills are considered to be the most economical ways of building. Banham affirms that for the foothill ecology the only way to build a constriction is to scrap away the mountain until one gets enough horizontal surface. Banham states that:Advertising Looking for essay on architecture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The effects of mountain-cropping techniques are obviously going to be profound, ecologically and otherwise. Without joining the chorus of doom from professional Jeremiahs at Berkeley and in the Sierra Club, I must still admit that it proposes a different kind of ecological disturbance to those previously practiced in Los Angeles. All building in foothill territory must involve some disturbance of the soil, the customary methods of working and designing did not alter the profiles of whole hills (89). The above-mentioned citation is also related to the Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House and the Barnsdall Park. Works Cited Banham, Reyner. The Architecture of Four Ecologies. London, England: University California Press, Ltd., 2011. Print. Smith, W. George. Architect of the Spanish Colonial Revival. Gibbs Smith, 2005. Print. Hollyhock House. The Aline Barnsdall Residence. 2010. Web. Herr, Jeffrey. Aline Barnsdall Complex. 2007. Web. This essay on Hollyhock House/The Creative Community was written and submitted by user Mar1ana to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The first binary system Essays

The first binary system Essays The first binary system Essay The first binary system Essay This essay will look at the history of computers, beginning from Stonehenge and going right through to today. It will look at what the future holds for the world of computing and I will try to determine the start of this particular technology. It will go on to discuss the computers of today and more importantly what the future holds for computers. I will try to briefly out line the history of the computer, presenting my findings chronologically. The continuous progression of the computer has lead us to the advanced machines they are today and offer us an insight into the pattern of future developments. Throughout the essay I will include information from a number of different resources, which I will use to explain and analyse my findings. I have traced the first findings of computer science back to many years ago when man still dwelled in caves. The religious and animalistic traditions of early man required instruments to calculate particular religious dates. From this Shamanistic traditions man created a primitive calculating device, counting notches on sticks or marks on walls. This primitive technique evolved and big Stonehenge structures were erected, these can still be seen today in Salisbury England. The enormous structures are today monuments of mans desire to calculate and compute information. Over on the other side of the globe in china the abacus was born. The abacus aided the calculation process and therefore must be considered a computing device. The way the abacus works shares similarities with the dictionaries definition of a computer. This is the place value notion and the retrieve and store method mentioned in the dictionary. Twelve centuries later, an 18-year-old taxpayers son invented a numerical wheel to help his father calculate tax. The device was called a Pacaline named after its creator. The problem with the Pascalator is that it could only be repaired by Pascaline. This resulted in job loss and techno phobia which still occurs today. The device was later improved and can still be found today in water meters and modern day odometers. The real beginning of the computer as we know them today is a result of the English mathematician Charles Babbage. He hoped there would one day be an automated computer powered by steam. It was never constructed, but outlined the elements of the modern day general-purpose computer. Babbages computer was a real analytical engine, it had built in control and allowed instructions to be represented in specific order, rather then numerical order. An American inventor set a task to create a faster computer using the jacquard loom concept. The computing process used cards to store dates, this differed from previous methods, which used cards to instruct the computer. This system enabled the computer to work faster, store more information, and resulted in fewer errors. The creator Hollerith brought his machine, known as the punch card reader, in to the business world. The company later became the International Business Machine or IBM. The punch card system become very popular in the 60s and was used by business and the government. Holleriths machine was limited to certain tabulation and could not accommodate more complex forms. The first binary system was developed by a German in 1941. The binary system was a programmable computer design composed of zeros and ones. The binary representation proved important in the design of modern day computers.  The punch card machine became so well established and reliable, that Howard Aiken collaborated with the engineers at IBM and refined the IBMs standard automated computer to build the Howard Mark 1. The Mark 1 remained in use until 1959, even thought other machines had surpassed it in performance. It provided vital calculations for the navy in world war two. Meanwhile over in Great Britain a mathematician named Alan turning wrote a paper called Computable numbers. Alan Turnings paper described a hypothetical device that presaged programmable computers. The Turning machine was designed to perform logical operations and could read, write, or erase symbols that were written on squares of a infinite paper tape. The purpose of turnings paper was not to invent a computer but rather to describe problems that are logically possible to solve. Turnings hypothetical machine has characteristics that resemble modern day computers. The hypothetical machines memory allows it to read, write, and erase data, just like modern day RAM. Back in America the Havard Mark 1 was highly successful opening doors for further developments by Americans computer giants. The second contribution to the computing world was the ENIAC or electrical Numerical integrator. ENIAC is generally considered to be the first successful high speed digital computer and was used from 1946 to 1955.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically discuss the selection, role and responsibilities of the Essay

Critically discuss the selection, role and responsibilities of the expert witness in the criminal justice system - Essay Example Nonetheless, not every piece of evidence in a case is presented to the adjudicators; just the evidence that is important and acceptable serves a function in the conclusion of a case. Hence, an expert is defined in the legal system as ‘a person who, by reason of education or special training, possesses knowledge of a particular subject area in greater depth than does the public at large’2. With the rising difficulty of cases, specifically those that involve technical or scientific issues, the expert witness has become crucial to litigation’s success. The Rule 702 states that experts have a substantial influence over usual witnesses due to the fact that they are â€Å"the only witnesses who are permitted to reflect, opine, and pontificate. Experts can provide a bridge between the particular facts of a case and patterns of fact that can be observed and understood only through much wider study†.3 In general, experts are perceived as favourable contributors in c ourt trials. Nonetheless, experts can be at the same time described as ‘hired guns’ and ‘liars’.4 Regardless, one thing is for sure: the exploitation of experts is persistent. Indeed, experts have been equated to litigations. As stated by Robert R. Detlefsen, â€Å"The expert witness has become a fixture in high-stakes civil trials†.5 This is factual for a broad array of explanations, not the least of which is the growing difficulty of issues that comprise contemporary tort litigation and the continuously evolving procedures in the management of business processes: â€Å"the use of experts in courtroom trials is so prevalent today that the question confronting litigators is usually not whether to hire an expert witness, but rather how many to employ and where to find them.†6 Hence, this essay will discuss the selection, role, and responsibilities of the expert witness in the criminal justice system in the UK. Role of Expert Witnesses in the En glish Legal System Just as the essence or value of the testimony of an expert witness differs, so does the expert witness’s role in the legal system. In several instances, the expert witness is employed to discern issues or loopholes in the statement of fact witnesses. Expert statement, in other instances, is required to satisfy the ‘burden of proof’7 so as to create a defence or claim. Expert witnesses, occasionally, are used mainly to compete with the experts of the opposing side and to further strengthen the defence or claim of the proponent. Even though experts are generally determined by their role as witnesses at litigations or in deposition, they can help lawyers in the establishment of the case prior to trial as well. Lawyers may use experts to assess the work and official documents of other experts.8 Moreover, experts may help lawyers make sense of the technical features of a case by analysing documents and information generated by the parties and by stu dying and analysing subject matters in a case.9 Furthermore, experts can assist in the preparation of requests for information and documents which may turn into acceptable proofs, or they can formulate questions for cross-examination and direct questioning of witnesses.10 Expert recommendation may be crucial in strengthening the case prior to the trial by formulating compelling causation theories11 which should be presented to and reviewed by the jury. Another major role of expert witnesses may be to carry out trials linked to a component implication in the litigation and to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why do people want to work in Bloomberg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why do people want to work in Bloomberg - Essay Example Firstly, as mentioned, due to the fact that Bloomberg is so diverse and represents so many different specializations, there are opportunities for a wide array of individuals that are interested in the many fields in which this firm covers. Rather than merely being a financial analyst’s tool, Bloomberg has a presence in fields as diverse as television and environmental sustainment. In short, Bloomberg has over 427 different publications, its television station reaches more than 310 million people, and the firm tracks over 1.1 million different indices on a daily basis (Bloomberg 1). In this way, it is easy to see how many diverse fields are covered by Bloomberg and how many different types of people with diverse backgrounds in finance, economics, business, investment, law, and an array of other majors. Similarly, as with many large multinational companies, the attraction of working for Bloomberg cannot always be discussed as a function of overall salary. Due to the name recognition and the power and strength that such a position holds with reference to a resume, many individuals are willing to sacrifice an even larger salary at a different firm in order to work for Bloomberg. Although this may seem short-sighted, this ias due to the fact that people often are of the opinion that such a resume builder will be worth it in terms of their overall long-term career

Monday, November 18, 2019

Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Project management - Essay Example ________________________ helped me throughout the session and due to him, I become able to submit my work on time. Here I want to thanks my parents as well for all their prayers and support. By, Department of Project Management, Faculty of Management Sciences _____________________________________________ Dated: 15-04-2012 Contents Introduction 5 Main Body 6 Pert Technique: A Complete Overview 6 Conclusion 12 Bibliography 13 Introduction According to large number of professionals and corporate analysts, organisation has been referred to a place in which hundreds of people work together for the achievement of a specific goal. This is an obvious fact that, every organisation has the same perspective in its mind which is to broaden the net income recognition (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, pp 25). The leniency of the organisations towards its bottom line and external shareholders is one of the main things for the organisational productivity and efficiency (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, pp 4 6). The real dominance of an organisation lies in the fact that how well it uses its natural and human capital for the long run productivity and efficiency of the entity. Strategies are at the heart of an organisation and no organisation can sustain completely in this competitive environment without employing strategies. It is more than important for an organisation to timely check and measures its operational strategies to cope up with all sorts of challenges which the company may encounter during its operations (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, pp 35). Organisation is basically a set of departments that collectively works for the long run efficiency of the company and inevitably, no organisation can sustain without the ad hoc working of its different departments (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, pp 37) Finance department plays a decisive role in the productivity of an organization. Organizations always want to fly high with the help of high income generation (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, PP. 49). Project Management and Project Evaluation is extremely important from the standpoint of an organization and there are numerous benefits attached with the same. The main perspective of this assignment is to pen down about the concept of PERT in Project Management. Main Body Pert Technique: A Complete Overview Project management is the discipline of forecast, organizing, securing and running property to convey about the successful completion of feature engineering cast goals and objectives (Ackerman, 2002, PP. 65). It is sometimes conflated with list management, however technically that is actually a superior intensity construction: a group of connected and somehow interdependent engineering projects. A foresee is an acting work, having a clear start and end (usually constrained by court, but can be by funding or deliverables), undertaken to assemble matchless goals and objectives, usually to earn about beneficial change or added regard The Project Management Instituted, an i nternational association for the predict management profession, has destroyed pitch management into the following areas of wisdom: Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communications, Risk, and Procurement Management. Each phase is precisely managed to establish a successful propel outcome, although the smooth of portion essential for each outlook varies according to the mass and precise objectives of the project. The primary

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Ice Cream Analysis Dippin Dots

The Ice Cream Analysis Dippin Dots Despite having operation in the global market, the company was not much affected politically. There exists federal regulations on the frozen desserts, which include a minimum of 10% of butterfat, and the ice cream must weigh a minimum of 4.5 pounds to the gallon. This is to ensure manufacturers do not produce sub standard qualities of ice cream ECONOMIC FACTORS Their core U.S.A market is a strong economy with a very high GDP, which has not been, affected much over the years of varying economic conditions. The growth of the Asian market in terms of wealth is also a factor, which may have led to growth in demand. SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS The most important element is the demography of the market for ice cream. The ice cream was initially targeting the kids and teenagers (aged 8-18 years) even though the company foresees a growing demand in future from older people. The trend to consume more healthy treats made firms develop ice cream with less fat but similar taste and texture. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS The company has its foundation from the technology of micro encapsulation. Flash freezing the ice cream using liquid nitrogen at -325 degrees and collecting the bead/dot to produce a special flavour, texture and shape was a remarkable idea by the microbiologist. This idea was to avoid crystals of air and ice in the dessert. It was named theicecream of the future due to its uniqueness whose formula was continuously perfected by Jones. Over time technology also led to the development of various ways of making different types of frozen desserts like Novelties, Frozen custard, Sherbets, Frozen yoghurt and others. LEGAL FACTORS Patenting the idea of flash freezing was a factor that made the company keep away strong competition through copying. Franchising and making contracts was also necessary as it maintained a legal relationship of distribution and royalty payment. 2) PORTERS FIVE FORCES MODEL POTENTIAL ENTRANTS The Ice cream market had been segmented and dominated by 2 major companies Nestle and Unilever. This was a challenge to keep away the Giants from eating into the flash frozen ice cream segment. Some of the competitors with similar business were Breyers, Dreyers/ Edy Grand, Blue bell and others. Dippins with its experience and knowledge kept away the competitors through differentiating their ice cream and creating a vast network of distribution through franchising. SUBSTITUTES Other types of frozen foods like the novelties and the ice cream/sherbet brands are a substitute for the flash frozen ice cream due to the similar satisfaction they give to the customer. Because of the segmented market, the product could be differentiated which led to the survival and growth of dippins. BUYERS The buyer power of this industry is high due to the large number of ice cream producers and varieties. There are many substitutes for this product as mentioned hence the customer is likely to move if not satisfied with quality and taste. SUPPLIERS The power of suppliers is high since most have quality products with loyal customers and new entrants pose a threat due to the way they copy the idea. Many new producers were former employees or franchise distributors of dippins who knew the strategy of operations. COMPETITIVE RIVALY Due to globalisation, dippins face stiff competition from U.S companies like Breyers and other European companies. This makes it necessary to differentiate the product since other companies can copy the ideas. The cost of operation also plays a role since it requires huge capital investments in technology. ANALYSIS OF INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT VALUE CHAIN The firms operations are global and hence its primary factors affecting the internal environment are operations management, logistics, sales and marketing. The firm operates from U.S.A with over 448 franchises in 2006. These franchises distribute the product while paying royalties and some fees to dippins. The firm experiences logistical problems since transporting the product at sub zero temperatures require special equipment, containers and freezers. Mc Donalds rolled out a marketing campaign with dippins in 2002 spending $1.2 million in San Francisco to boost sales of both companies. The firm got recognition and value by appearing on top ranks in magazines like Entrepreneur. This also gave them a chance to be present in celebrity shows. The secondary factors, which affected the internal environment, include the procurement policies, technology and infrastructure. Jones initially hired his friends to manage the company with family members and later got professional staff. They faced a huge problem of financing and getting a suitable location making them move to locations. The technology they were using was being copied by rivals hence Jones continuously refined and perfected it. The firm later had a good infrastructure with sitting capacity and transport network was well developed. Value system of Dippins was efficient enough to reach the market and retail outlets but lacked the ability to enable the ice cream reach homes. They later introduced brands which could be consumed at home. VRIO ANALYISIS. The firms products have had a loyal customer base for a long time due to the quality. The value is due to the quality and the taste the frozen ice cream gives to its customers. The distribution also has had an impact in the value of firm since having a higher number of franchises gives them a greater market share. Despite having a high relative price they have had increased sales over the years. Celebrity appeal has also increased their value. The idea in a whole of having ice cream without crystals of air and ice is the biggest asset of the firm. The Dippin dots ice cream is a rare product to find because of the originality and the quality it gives. There are firms who produce similar products but cannot match the quality of dippins due to the unique technology they use. The firm has a many franchises (448) which gives them a competitive advantage. The rarity is due to the experience and knowledge they have. The firms operations and the product strategy are imitable in a way since the operations are global but the quality cannot be matched to that of dippins. Some former franchisers came up with similar products as dippin The organisation has adequate capacity and resources which can allow the firm to achieve more competitive advantage and get the most benefits through product diversification, increasing franchises, increasing the support to retail outlets. BALANCED SCORECARD. The strategies the company used to achieve the goals have been wise as their growth was rapid enabling them to scoop many awards and get highlighted in magazines for their good performance. The strategies they used were customer satisfaction in terms of quality and taste. Continuous improvement in the operations of making the ice cream. Their financial objectives can be getting the highest return on capital and maximum profits. They provided value for the price customer paid for the ice cream. Their price was high but relatively competitive. Their customers were differentiated in terms of the physical nature of the ice cream. Their internal objectives were quality of service and maintaining the quality during distribution and effective management of logistics. Their growth was substantial in terms of sales and number of franchises. They were given recognition through getting awards because of the fast growth and quality standards of ice cream and packaging by the international dairy association. They are innovative since they have launched a product, which can be now consumed at home.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Search for Global Software IP Rights :: Global Software Computers Essays

A Search for Global Software IP Rights Disclaimer An Engineer wrote this paper. Given the vast topics of Computer Ethics, Software IP, Copyrights and Globalization, this paper was sensibly limited to arguing a position. However, an engineer realizes solutions, which may take time to develop. So even arguing a position can be risky, with a deadline and not knowing much about the topic or methods. Normally, I would write a position to announce a discovery or answer a question or make an assessment on was done or is doable. So I find myself, at square one, not imagining a toy scope for this paper. My search is daunting, uncertain and uncomfortable because there is little time to understand or cover all of the topics or for making discoveries. How much I long to discover something. Most people do not expect to take risks, particularly on subjects that are outside their expertise. It is a shame. Why expect more? I think that engineers may have something to offer. They expect to face unknowns and reach some, and indeed not all conclusion s. So if possible, I want to contribute something to this field of software IP rights, however small but real. Lessons From Mishaps Capability and willingness that engineers possess will not always (or often) lead to good solutions. Mistakes are made, critical flaws missed, etc. Some problems go unsolved for centuries. A paper on â€Å"Paramedic Ethics †¦Ã¢â‚¬  by W. R. Collins and K. W. Miller, recommends evaluating all pairs of interests in a problem.[1] So for x interests, the effort will scale on the Order of x2, which clearly is impractical. Even with this low complexity, it would take 2 months for someone to work 10 minutes on each pair formed from 100 interests. But this is old news. Superscalar design failed at the same thing when attempting to issue more than 4 instructions at a time. Sorting through instructions to find those for issuing requires the same sort of analysis of all pairs (of instructions in a window). However, by offering a method for ethical analysis, the authors indirectly enable us to learn a few things, one, that Uses Cases give order to the interests of an ethical problem, two , that Use Cases do not solve complexity and three, that it is critical to minimize the number of interests that will produce a correct solution. Getting Lost As you can tell, I’m fairly off track from the topic.