Monday, December 30, 2019

William Shakespeare s Much Ado About Nothing And King Lear

Name: Instructors’ Name: Course: Date: Analysis of Shakespeare’s powerful female characters in the play â€Å"Much Ado about Nothing† and â€Å"King Lear Introduction Shakespeare is seen to value the role of women as his plays often portray women as heroines. These women have strong characters that endear them to readers. Readers in our current world, and especially women, are encouraged to be self-assertive in demand for equal treatment in our society. This has been the tradition for women in the Western world and is one that should be spread across all societies in the whole world. The characters that this essay chooses to analyze are Beatrice from the play â€Å"Much Ado about Nothing† and Cordelia from the play King Lear. Beatrice and Cordelia†¦show more content†¦Beatrice is the cousin to Hero and niece to Leonato. She is a strong female who is smart and loyal to her family. We get to see that she has sworn off love in her adult love as she was hurt before and does not want to be vulnerable. However, she approves the love of her cousin Hero (Everett 400). As the play continues, we get to see that her strong stand against love is broken as she starts falling in love with Benedick, who matches her speech and wit, and is also as stubborn as she is. Beatrice has a sharp tongue and is good with words. She knows how to say what she wishes in a sharp and yet merry tone. When one soldier mentions that Benedick’s name when talking about leaving for war, Beatrice quips that he is a poor soldier. She goes on to joke that Benedick attaches himself to people and in this case Claudio by taking him as a brother. When Benedick arrives in Messina, Beatrice engages him in jokes. In Act 1 Beatrice states I wonder that you will still be talking, Signore Benedick; nobody marks you.† (Shakespeare 5). Benedick responds by saying â€Å"What, my dear Disdain, are you yet living?† (Shakespeare 5). Here we see that the two match each other in their manner of speech. The readers are able to notice the perfect match of these two characters. Beatrice is also seen as being loyal to her family. There is a scene at the altar on a wedding day where Hero, the bride, is accusedShow MoreRelatedA Comparison Between the Plots of King Lear and Much Ado about Nothing910 Words   |  4 Pagesstatement to say that William Shakespeare wrote some of the greatest plays of all time. This is accepted by everyone from high schoolers to experts as fact. But everyone is always wondering, what makes them great? Well, at the heart of every great Shakespeare play is a well written plot. But how can one man churn out all these plays he’s written, and still have new content in each one? Aren’t they all the same story to some extent? 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Life Circumstances Affect Every Individual At Some Time Or...

Life circumstances affect every individual at some time or another, and the coping measures are different for each. Self-care models are established in the absence of these occurrences to allow the minds to rationally plot proper realigning routes. To a degree, a counselor has to be their own client and be the expert in their own first-hand crisis. The goal is to empower the client to the point they are strong, stable, and self-assured in their own ability. With the use of evidence based practice social workers will provide effective services for the couples that do decide to take premarital counseling. Mixed method is possibly the best for this type of study. Clients can give insight on the treatment plan they are receptive to. Staff survey may be biased due to lack of interest towards the research. Counseling is an entity, where the client must learn from the individual sessions and then apply them within their actual marriage. Although, emotions are never consistent from per son to person, it is important to increase the mutual vision in the lives of the clients. In conclusion only the client can decide whether the intervention was effective or not, it is important for them to have motives that will fuel the aims and desires they aim to reach. Literature Review Premarital counseling is an educational, therapeutic, or combination program that couples attend prior to being married. The goal of premarital counseling is to increase satisfaction and reduce the risk ofShow MoreRelatedCoping With Extreme Stress And Its Effect On The Stress Of A Person1569 Words   |  7 PagesThere are times where a person who has held a job felt pressure of work-related stress. One of the serious employment-concern, that eats away revenues, lessens efficiency and marks good employees’ hand their notice is workplace stress. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Blank HELB form Free Essays

In the event that the loaned discontinues studies for whichever reason before full disbursement is made, the Board shall not disburse the remaining allocation and shall recall the loan so far as advanced in full together with the interest thereon. . The Board shall electronically, through the website, send to each loaned annual statement indicating the amount disbursed per each academic year or the outstanding balance as the case may be. We will write a custom essay sample on Blank HELB form or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sums of the amount indicated in the statements shall form the principal loan to be recovered from the loaned. The contents of the statements shall be deemed to be correct unless a written complaint to the contrary is received by the Board within three (3) months from the date of the statement whereupon the Board shall either confirm the complaint or advise as the case may be. A statement may be furnished at NY time on request but at the loaner’s expense. 5. Where it is discovered that the loan was granted due to false information furnished by the loaned, the Board shall withhold release of the amount yet to be disbursed if any, besides subjecting the loaned to prosecution. . The Board shall engage agents (Banks) who shall be responsible for the disbursement of the loans as shall be advised by the Board from time to time. 7. The loaned shall keep the guarantor appraised of the principal loan awarded and in the event that there is a conflict, the amount as held by the Board will prevail. 8. Where there is default by the loaned, the guarantor shall be bound to repay the loan, interest th ereon, penalties, costs and any other charges accruing to the loan. 9. The loan shall be due for repayment one year after completion of the course studied or within such period as the Board may decide to recall 10. The loan shall be repaid by monthly installments or by any other convenient mode of repayment as shall be directed by the Board but subject to the provisions of the Higher Education Loans Board Act. 11. If the loaned defaults in the repayment of the loan when the loan is due, the whole amount shall be due and payable and the Anne shall be bound to pay other charges that may arise as a result of the default including but not limited to the Advocates fees and penalties. 2. The Board shall charge a penalty of Kiss. 5,OHO per month on any account that is in default. 13. Non demand for loan repayment and the accruing charges shall not in any way signify waiver of any amount rightfully due under the terms and conditions of the loan. 14. The applicant hereby consents that the Board shall share information pertaining to the loan account with credit r eference bureaus or any other parties as deemed necessary. 15. The Board shall effect credit protection arrangement of the loan at the expense of the loaned. 16. In the event that the applicant receives additional finance assistance from any other source and the need to refund by the university arises such refund shall be made to the Board and the same shall be utilized towards reducing or offsetting the loan. 17. No loan shall be disbursed unless this agreement form is signed. 18. The signature of the loaned shall certify the reading, understanding and being in agreement with the terms and conditions herein including certification. Loaner’s Signature Authorized Signature(HELL) Date: 14/04/2011 How to cite Blank HELB form, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Alternative Investment Classes and their Role in Investment Portfolios

Question : Describe "Alternative Investment Classes and their Role in Investment Portfolioswith examples, a selection of seven alternative investments which are generally available on capital and other markets, the expected / realized returns and risks of each, and to consider how they are used in constructing and hedging investment portfolios. Answer : Investment Strategies Options Investment is considered as one of the most wonderful method to enhance the wealth of the people around the world. Now the main issue is the selection of the class of investments that the people should invest in that entirely depends on the type of strategies the investors make depending on the quantum of risk they are likely to take. These risks are being diversified as soon as the investors go for alternative investments. These assets are in the class of real assets that are hard and tangible and include various types of other assets as well. There are various alternative classes of assets as listed below for the investors to build their portfolio and in return develop their wealth by balancing the risks and returns of the portfolio. 1. Private Equity- Private Equity is one of the emerging sectors around the world as the players are investing in this sector through the long term investments in the private sectors. This class of investment is an illiquid asset class that offers long term diversification away from the public markets. The only risk that prevails is the low liquidity and restrictions linked with these investments but growth and returns are attractive here.(DeFeo, 2012) 2. Hedge Funds- These are also an investment strategy where the risk is low as the portfolio of investment is being managed by the hedge fund managers. Some of the problems that these funds face are that they are only suitable for high end investors and accompany a lower return due to the lesser degree of risk involved. 3. Managed Futures- These futures are those part of the business that are being managed by the company as an underlying asset base that pulls up the chain for the working of system. The futures are tax inefficient and a bit uncomfortable with people new in the securities market. 4. Currencies- The currencies are also a mode of investment for the investors but it requires in depth analysis of the currency and the most important risk that is faced by the government regulations that is being governed by the economical and political norms along the world. 5.COMMODITIES- These I a source similar than to the other market products but here the buyers have the amount to lot sizes then there are beneficially for them and these commodity melds the people that would lead to higher and maximum profits in the long run., 6. Real Estate- It is one of the areas that is different from security but available in the huge investment projects where are buyer and seller both are caning profits though the arrangement at might rates which expected high return. It takes lot or manage such investments as it is linked with money so had to be undertaken very nicely as there is huge amount of risk with low chances of high profits. Hence the investment classes are helpful in maintaining the wealth of the shareholders and thus help in understanding the concepts of investment strategies in a better way. Bibliography daveramsey. (2013). Want to know how Dave invests his money? Find out here! , 1-1. DeFeo, J. (2012). The Street. The Street , 1-1. Diedrich, S. (2014). 'Alternative' or 'Hedged' Mutual Funds: What Are They, How Do They Work, and Should You Invest? Forbes , 1-3. Dumon, M. (n.d.). What is Private Equity. Investopedia , 1-2. Idzorek, T. (2007). Private Equity and Strategic Asset Allocation. ibbotson , 7-9. Kulkarni, P. (2010). Investment Strategies. The Economic Times , 1-1.