Thursday, April 23, 2020

Warsaw Pact Intervene in Czechoslovakia free essay sample

This is contrasted with the reforms in Poland as they spurred out of Solidarity that consisted of the working class and intelligentsia, a bottom-up movement putting forward ideas towards a more democratic regime. The second argument that distinguishes these two cases is the difference in the international situation between the USSR and the West in 1 968 and 1980. Finally focusing on the economic condition of the Soviet Union and external effects that influence the capitals finances. By analyzing all of these factors we can establish why the USSR decided to leave the Polish overspent in charge of its internal affairs whereas they opted for an intervention in the case Of Czechoslovakia. One of the most important differences between the Czechoslovakia and Polish case is the field within which the reform movements formed. In Czechoslovakia this occurred within the Communist Party itself, whereas in Poland it rose from the workers and the intelligentsia of Solidarity. We will write a custom essay sample on Warsaw Pact Intervene in Czechoslovakia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The general liberal atmosphere of the asses set the stage for Alexander Dubbed a young member of the communist party with great ideas of liberalizing the tough regime. Dubbed was himself too young to have been involved in the purges and so with a clean slate he began to liberalism his country. His reforms were labeled as the Action Programmer intended to create socialism with a human face in Czechoslovakia. This programmer focused on the relaxation of central control over the economy, virtual abolition of censorship, religious reforms and an increase in the independence of parliament. With the introduction of these liberal reforms the Soviet Union began to feel that the country was distancing itself from the ideological values Of communism, and feared that the liberal reforms would SSE a spill over effect onto other Eastern European states bound within the Warsaw Pact. However Dubbed himself was unaware of the building tension, despite several warnings from the Soviet Union; he assumed that due to the cost of an invasion this would be an inefficient strategy for the USSR.After the easing of censorship several newspapers published 2000 words by Vacuole, expo ending the case for reform and demonstration, with hints there was a danger of invasion by the WTFO, this was the final alarm bell for Brethren. Fearing that Dubbed would lose control of his country and let it fall out of the Warsaw pact, the Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia on the 20th August 1968. The Polish situation differed from Czechoslovakia in the sense that reforms were triggered from below through the Solidarity movement formed by the workers and intelligentsia.This national liberation movement was sparked as a result of material grievances and frustrated expectations. Deriving from the Lenin shipyard strikes in Agenda 1970, the movement finally proposed 21 demands to the government. These included basic appeals such as the right to strike, the release of political prisoners, wage increases, religious freedom and an end to censorship. Due to the stagnating economic situation in Poland during that time and the governments incapability of suppressing further strikes, the trade union was legalized in September 1980.Crampon describes that the last thing the Polish economy could endure was a disruption of economic activity. Another factor one could consider as to why the USSR didnt intervene in Poland was the image of Solidarity itself. Mason emphasis the individuality of the movement. Being the only movement connected with the Catholic Church, it combined the values Of democracy, participation, justice, equality, unman dignity and socialism. Therefore it was the only non-violent movement capable of absorbing so many issues. This shows how the movement never posed a direct threat to the Soviet union, unlike Czechoslovakia in 1968.Wales, Head of the Solidarity movement, constantly emphasized that the trade union only wanted to exert pressure on the ruling bureaucracy, not overthrow it. One could therefore argue that the Soviet Union didnt feel vulnerable to the proposals of the movement unlike Czechoslovakia in 1 968, where Dubbed was planning reforms from within the party and was trying to democratic it from the centre. In order to further analyses what exactly triggered the decisions behind Warsaw Pacts invasion lies within the comparison between the international relationship Of the USSR and the West in the years in question.It is important to focus on the political tension between the western world and Russia. Since the Cold War was based around economic and political differences, the USSR used Czechoslovakia as a basic tool to uphold its international status demonstrating its power and military migh t. Unlike Poland in 1980, the USSR was not concerned about its friendly image to the outside world, due to the Cuban Missile crisis in 1 962 and NATO tactful eye over the Soviet Union, 1968 would be considered a much more dangerous environment for the USSR to seem weak. Alternatively, by 1980, interaction between ;o super powers had become very tense.The USSR was reaching a culmination of the political strain and struggle to keep tensions at a minimal. This uneasy environment was heightened by the summer Olympic games being held in Moscow. Thus the USSR was not prepared to stain its image abroad by sending troops into Poland and attracting unwanted attention. The polish situation can be further explained by examining past events involving Czechoslovakia. The invasion in 1 968 sent an unmistakable signal through the Soviet Block; it defined how far the USSR was willing to go in order uphold its ideological principles.This notion fortifies the explanation why in 1 981 following the troop movements in Ukraine and the Baltic States, Serializes, fearing revolutionary outcome, crushed the Solidarity movement through the introduction of martial law. This fear of Soviet intervention demonstrated through the case of Czechoslovakia in 1 968, ensured that the USSR was able to leave the Polish government in charge of their events. The arterial law managed to suppress the movement and successfully avoided tarnishing relations with Russia.Some observers such as Hans Amenorrhea conclude that the invasion in 1 968 was carried out to prevent Czechoslovakia from shifting its alliance closer to West Germany. This shows that Czechoslovakia has never had to choose between independence and alignment, but between alignment with Russia and with Germany. Crampon also mentions this fear of western expansionism, as Czechoslovakia was the only state with boarders of both FOG and USSR, he describes the country as being poised like a dagger aimed at the heart of the Soviet Union.Thus this is another reason that could justify why Poland was not invaded in 1980 since the threat of the western vacuum was much greater in Czechoslovakia in 1968. The last issue to consider is the economic situation within the USSR that could possibly have affected the decision making process Of the Soviet Union and Brethren in his earlier years set about introducing major policy reforms. The introduction of the dtenet that opened up the bloc of economic contacts with the West definitely had positive financial effects on the USSR.This meant that in 1968, when the question of Czechoslovakia emerged, there were no ajar economic issues constraining the Soviet Union. This was not the case in 1980, where the annual economic growth rate of the USSR averaged out at 1. 5%. Paired With the mounting debt accumulated during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the USSR had to reconsider investing capital on troops the combat the Polish situation. In conclusion it is questionable whether the USSR would have invaded had Carousels not imposed the martial law in 1 981.

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